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Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

Excessive hair growth, or unusual hair growth patterns, is a common problem for many people. Factors such as genetics, endocrine systems, medications and ethnicity influence distribution and growth of hair. Abnormal hair growth is difficult to define. What may be an unbearable burden to one may be unnoticed by someone else. Underlying hormonal problems rarely cause excessive hair growth.

Hair growth cycles between active and resting stages. The growing cycle of body hair lasts only for a few months while as much as 30% of your hair is in the resting stage. This is why a series of treatments is needed.Laser hair removal is the newest, state-of-the-art procedure to offer you a customized treatment according to your hair color , texture, and body location.. Any hair with at least some pigment in it (black, brown, red, and even some darker blond) can be treated effectively. Blond, gray and fine hair will require more treatments.

What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is the non-invasive removal of unwanted facial and body hair with the assistance of a laser of intense pulsed light.

What should I notice over the next few weeks?

Within 2 or 3 weeks after the treatment you will notice ‘regrowth’ or stubble. Some of this is dead hair being expelled by the skin, and some is growing hair that will require additional treatments.

Are multiple treatments required?

The laser only treats hairs that are in their active growth phase. The number of active follicles and their cycle time will vary with each area of the body. Follicles that are in a dormant phase (at least two-thirds) are not affected. Additional treatments are performed as hairs that were dormant become active and begin to grow. The number of sessions will vary with each patient and body area. It's important to realize that multiple treatments are certainly required. Usually six treatments 4 weeks apart are required to achieve satisfactory results.

Is laser hair removal permanent?

Unlike traditional methods such as shaving, plucking and waxing, laser hair removal is intended to provide long lasting or permanent reduction in hair.

How does laser hair removal work?

The laser targets the pigment within the hair follicle (melanin), disabling the follicle. The laser is designed to selectively target the follicle without damaging the surrounding skin.

What areas are commonly treated?

For women, the lip and chin are the most common areas, followed by the bikini line, legs and axilla (armpits). For men the back, shoulder and upper arms are the most popular areas. It is possible to treat most areas of the body.

How is laser hair removal performed?

Laser hair removal is performed as an in office procedure. This procedure should be performed by a doctor, physician assistant or trained technician. They personally evaluate each patient for hair color, texture, skin type and other medical factors prior to suggesting a laser hair removal program.

Who is an ideal candidate for laser hair removal?

The ideal candidate has dark hair and light skin. Dark hairs absorb more of the laser light and lighter skin allows more transmission of the laser light into the follicle.

Before Treatment:

  1. The hair will be shaved at the treatment site
  2. Ice will be applied to the area
  3. The shaved area will be treated with a laser using a predetermined energy dose
  4. A light coating of sunscreen and ice packs may be applied to the site after treatment
  5. The time of the treatment will be 30-60 minutes based on the size of the treatment area
  6. Photographs for before and after comparisons may be taken for my chart
  7. Multiple treatments will be required over several months

Possible side effects:


When a shot is triggered, some patients experience various degrees of discomfort. Some describe the sensation as stinging, while others liken it to a rubber band snap. A burning sensation may last for up to an hour after treatment. Most adults and older children are able to tolerate this discomfort, but some patients may require a topical anesthetic such as emla cream or ice.

Damage to natural skin texture

A crust or blister may form, which may take from five to ten days to heal.

Change of pigmentation

There may be a change of pigmentation in the treated area. Most cases of hypo- or hyper-pigmentation occur in people with darker skin, or when the treated area has been exposed to sunlight before or after treatment. In some patients, hyper-pigmentation occurs despite protection from the sun. This discoloration usually fades in three to six months. Hypopigmentation may last up to 12 to 24 months, and in rare cases may be permanent.


There is a very small chance of scarring on dark skin, such as enlarged hypertrophic scars. In very rare cases, on genetically predisposed skin, abnormal, large, raised keloid scars may appear. To reduce the chance of scarring it is important to carefully follow all post-treatment instructions.

Excessive swelling

Immediately after treatment, the skin may swell temporarily, especially of the nose and cheeks. Swelling usually subsides within three to seven days.

Fragile skin

The skin at or near the treatment site may become fragile. If this happens, makeup should be avoided and the area should not be rubbed, as this might tear the skin.


Treatment may cause a blue-purple bruise at the treated area, which may last from five to fifteen days. As the bruise fades, there may be rust-brown discoloration of the skin, which usually takes one to three months to fade.

  • If any of the above occurs, there may be chance of infection at the site
  • There may be some change in color of the pigment in the site area
  • There rare possibility of scarring in the site area
  • There may be poor cosmetic outcome

After Treatment:

Cold packs may be used for ten minutes after treatment for delicate skin

Immediately following a treatment, the skin may appear pink and flushed

Gentle cleansing and sun protection are important while the skin is sensitive

Care should be taken to prevent trauma to the treated area for the first four or five days after treatment

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